Monday, April 19, 2010

Online Casino Information at CasinoScandinavia

. Monday, April 19, 2010

Getting into online gambling world, isn’t only about to find a casino and simply to join it right away. There are several things to consider though, as since that your decision will really determining the pleasure you will get along the way. It’s really important for you to make sure dealing with online reliable casino provider for your safety and fair gaming. You don’t want to be cheated and losing your money for nothing, right?

If this is your first time getting into online gambling, be sure you entered before you play casino games online. You can find bunch information about online casino at CasinoScandinavia, and you can simply to learn everything you need to know about this field to enrich your knowledge. There also best casinos been listed based on its rank, with the reviews and brief information stat about their bonus offers, payout, and customer support quality level.

This site is the best place for you to prepare yourself with information about casino online, and get the answers of all your questions. And as you explored the site a bit deeper, there also certain information about casino games for usa. These guides would ease you in making decision and
Hal ini membuat aplikasi populer berbasis Flash dapat dimainkan di iPhone, hanya dengan sedikit modifikasi. Para pengembang aplikasi Flashpun tidak perlu mempelajari Xcode maupun bahasa Objective-C untuk membuat aplikasi untuk iPhone OS sehingga memudahkan pekerjaan mereka untuk membuat aplikasi yang multi-platform.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Web Hosting Tutorial

. Saturday, April 17, 2010

Finding the right web hosting can be really tough. It is because there are so many web hosting companies out there. Furthermore, the types of web hosting are also in variety. With so many options of web hosting companies and types, it can be really hard to find the right one. Because it is important for you to find the right web hosting for your website, then you need to know this area very well.

You need to learn more about web hosting world and understand the detail topic about it. You don’t need to attend web hosting class for this purpose because you can read it at You just need to visit this website and you’ll get the complete information about web hosting world. When you visit this website, you will discover so many articles discuss about web hosting. You will find tips and information about how to manage your web hosting and also your website content. This website is the best place to visit if you want to learn more about web hosting world. You just need to make one click and you’ll get the comprehensive knowledge about web hosting. This website is your back up in developing your website so you can reach your ultimate goal of it. It is also possible for you to read about web hosting reviews at this website. It will help you in finding the right web hosting service that meets to your needs. Everything you need to know about web hosting world is well-explained by this website.

Don’t forget to visit this website whenever you need to find the right web hosting service for your website. This website is your only resource to get to know more about web hosting world. For more information about web hosting, the only thing you need to do is just visit this website.


Monday, April 5, 2010


. Monday, April 5, 2010

Dimasukkannya RAM scrapers pada daftar pelanggaran serangan data vektor pada Verizon Business, telah mengungkap sedikit rahasia mengenai apa sebenarnya RAM scrapers itu, dan seberapa banyak ancaman yang didatangkannya.

RAM scrapers sebagaimana tercantum dalam Verizon Business Data Breach Investigation adalah bagian dari malware yang diciptakan untuk menagambil kartu kredit, PIN dan informasi rahasia lainnya dari sistem memory.

Banya cara lebih mudah untuk mencuri data di RAM. PCI saat ini membutuhkan standart enkripsi sensitif end-to-end untuk kartu pembayaran ketika sedang dikirim, diterima atau disimpan. Para hacker membuang sata kartu kredit ke sebuah file .dll bernama dumper.dll, yang terdapat didalam sistem subdirektori Windows, dimana RAM scrapers menunggu untuk diambil oleh hacker yang memiliki akses backdoor. Cara terbaik untuk mendeteksi RAM scrapers adalah melalui lalu-lintas data yang teratur.

Sumber: PCMedia