Dua pabrik yang memproduksi perangkat keras untuk Microsoft di Dongguan,Cina selatan,terbukti melanggar aturan mengenai jam kerja.Selain itu,sebagian pekerja berusia 16 hingga 18 tahun yang bekerja di pabrik2 pembuat kamera web,mouse komputer, dan pengendali Xbox tersebut tidak terdaftar secara resmi.
Berdasarkan peraturan, pabrik di Dongguan diizinkan untuk mempekerjakan remaja berusia 16 hingga 18 tahun yang telah terdaftar. Namun penyidik dari Badan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) Dongguan menemukan bahwadari 385 remaja yang merupakan buruh KYE Systems,sebanyak 326 diantaranya tidak terdaftar. Selain itu,para pekerja dipaksa bekerja melebihi waktu maret lalu. Perusahaan juga tidak memberikan salinan kontrak kepada pegawai. Masalah ini pertama diungkapkan oleh Komisi Buruh Nasional Amerika Serikat (AS) yang memonitor perlakuan terhadap pekerja di perusahaan AS.
Biro SDM mengatakan bahwa mereka telah memerintahkan KYE Systems untuk mematuhi hukum dan akan terus mengawasi perusahaan tersebut. Microsoft sendiri menegaskan bahwa mereka selalu memeriksa perlakuan terhadap karyawan setiap empat bulan dan menerima laporan mingguan dari KYE Systems.
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Thursday, May 20, 2010
Labels: Info InternetTuesday, May 11, 2010
Piano Lessons From Yoke Wong
Labels: make moneyLearning piano from the expert is a great way to improve your skill in playing piano. You can get powerful techniques from them so that you can play the piano keys in an excellent way. Today, you can even get piano lesson from a popular pianist like Yoke Wong through an easy way.
You don’t need to visit Wong’s office in the US to get piano lesson from this great Christian pianist. This is because this piano teacher presents her piano lessons in some DVDs that you can order online. By teaching piano through DVDs, she can help piano players worldwide and inspire them to be a great pianist. There are two courses that you can choose, the first is the definitive improvisation course and the second one is the hand coordination, runs & fillers. By learning piano from the DVDs, you can totally save your time and energy. You learn from the comfort of your home and pay attention to the lesson in a more convenient way. Piano lesson from Yoke Wong is totally beneficial for piano players worldwide.
If you are interested in ordering the DVDs, you just need to click Yokewong.net. This site presents further information on the ordering process and piano lessons that you can choose. Learn piano with Yoke Wong today and improve the way you play piano to be better.